
Vero Cell Culture Attenuated Live Buffalopox Vaccine for Protection of Buffaloes Against Buffalopox

Buffalopox is an emerging and re-emerging contagious viral disease of buffaloes caused by buffalopox virus (BPXV) of the genus orthopoxvirus of the family poxviridae. This disease is often associated with high morbidity (80%) and productivity losses in terms of milk yield and draught power of affected buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) and rare cases affects cows and humans. The problem is compounded by a lack of precise diagnostics and prophylactics. Further, the contamination of buffalo meat for export is another issue. The social beliefs, cultural issues, and economic considerations prevent India from having a slaughter policy. Infection in milch animals leads to reduced milk yield and mastitis. In countries where the disease is endemic and animal movement is difficult to restrict, the infection can be controlled only by vaccination. As such there is no commercial vaccine for the control of buffalopox in India. Therefore, a live attenuated vaccine was prepared using Vero cell-adapted BPXV (VIJ96) at IVRI, Mukteswar. The vaccine was found safe, potent, and efficacious in buffalo calves in the house and at the field. A total of 25,500 doses of vaccine have been tested in different states viz. Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra and no untoward effects were reported. The vaccine market is expected to reach regions of India/other neighboring countries where the buffalo population is more.:
Technology Details:
To solve the above problems, we have developed the Vero cell culture attenuated live buffalopox Vaccine for the protection of buffaloes against buffalopox. The following are the solutions we offered:
a) The vaccine is expected to significantly bring down the incidence of the disease contributing eventually to enhanced buffalo productivity and gradual control of the disease.:
b) The vaccine developed by IVRI is economical and effective in the control of the infection.:
c) Vaccination may contribute eventually to enhanced buffalo productivity and health. It will improve the livelihood of poor farmers in India.:
d) This vaccine is expected to provide lifelong immunity in vaccinated animals.